Brian Callahan’s Mixers: Where Business is Always a Pleasure

Airplane Hangar 8

Don’t try to find your own way if you’ve never been there before. Like a wayward prop plane sputtering through the fog as it makes its final approach at Santa Monica airport, you will need Brian Callahan’s careful guidance to steer you to the venue. And don’t be late. Hangar 8 is an event you want to arrive at on time. If you don’t you will miss out on the all important introductions that make Brian’s industry mixers such a success.

Brian Callahan the founder and CEO of a boutique investment bank, Markwood Capital Alliance has been hosting private dinners and industry mixers since 1995. But to hear him tell it, Brian was not always a natural at working the room. In fact, it was not until he began putting together his own informal gatherings at a hotel across the road from his office that he started to appreciate the benefits and life long bonds that can be formed when outgoing and giving individuals with similar industry backgrounds are gathered together in one room. Brian also realized he had a knack at making people feel welcomed, at ease and appreciated for who they are.

Hangar 8

Hangar 8

Since that time Brian has hosted hundreds of gatherings and connected a similar number of professionals with ties to the digital media industry. The secret to a successful event, as far a as Brian is concerned, is bringing together people who have a good sense of humor and who are not afraid to laugh with you or at themselves and who share a common interest with their fellow guests and are themselves giving individuals.

Brian certainly embodies the generosity that he seeks out in others. As the host Brian’s biggest concern is that his friends and associate are totally at ease and enjoying themselves. It does not matter what you come dressed in, whether it is jeans and a T-Shirt or more formal attire, Brian could not care less. No money exchanges hands at Brian’s events, he pays for everything making sure the fantastic food and wine will flow as long as you have the capacity and time to consume it. Your job is to unwind and enjoy yourself.

Sarah Ag 4 people

Sarah Agor and Friends

The extent to which Brian puts you at ease was exemplified a number of years ago when a guest entered a parking lot through the exit and shredded all four of her tires. Without skipping a beat Brian ushered her into his soiree, called up a tow truck and had them replace all four tires so that his guest could go home without the worry of repairing her car. When pressing some cash on Brian to pay for his troubles, Brian explained they were a gift from Markwood Capital Alliance and wished her a safe drive home.


The Captain’s Room – House of Blues

Ambiance certainly plays an important role in setting the stage for a successful night. Progressing from the Double Tree Hotel, back in the mid 90’s, Brian’s events have been held in private dinning rooms on the upper west side of Manhattan, numerous Italian bistro’s on the west side of Los Angeles like Terroni and the Foundation and Captain’s room at the House of Blues on Sunset Strip. More recently, Hangar 8, home to the cutting edge, Subtractive has become the staple fixture for Brian’s soirees. Located on the north side of Santa Monica Airport Hangar 8 was literally once an airplane hangar. Stepping through a non-descript metal door you walk into a cavernous dimly lit room with a bar at one end and executive offices on the other with comfy brown leather couches occupying the center of the room. The space comfortably holds thirty to fifty people and Brian never seems to have trouble filling it, although he is always quick to express his gratitude to everyone who turns up as he understands there are always several events vying for anyone of his guest’s attention. And of course there is always L.A’s ever present highway headaches.

Clara Mayer

The Unflappable Clara Mayer

As a host, Brian is never alone. Typically, he marshals the support of Tony Rose and Clara Myer of Rose Snyder and Jacobs. Like Brian, Tony and Clara are extremely warm and gracious hosts and go out of their way to make you feel at home, even if they are meeting you for the first time.

Obviously, any successful social event will benefit from good wine and an ample supply of food and hand picked guests with a good sense of humor. However, what really makes Brian’s events resonate so well for all who attend is the manner in which Brian introduces his guests at the beginning of the evening. At about 45 minutes into the night Brian will stand up and welcome everyone in the room and acknowledge his co-hosts for their continued support and hospitality. He will then go around and personally introduce every guest and relate an amusing story or outstanding accomplishment or summarize their work or achievements. Brian does this without any notes and entirely off the cuff. By the time he has finished the room is aglow with good vibrations and a sense of excited anticipation. By extolling your own virtues Brian saves you the trouble of letting other people know what you do, and because you know everyone else’s “mini bio”, you can target particular individuals you’d like to know better. This introduction gives everyone a sense that they are privileged to be invited and helps them overcome the reluctance they might have when introducing themselves for the first time.


Arturo Perez helps himself to more food

Brian considers his mixers as “opportunities to bond rather than network.” He does not look to them as a means of closing a new deal, but rather as a way for being in the minds of people who he has or would like to do business with one day and who have a similar pay it forward approach to life.

Brian Callahan

Brian Callahan shies away from the spotlight when he can

Such an approach will not suite everybody. You have to have a long term vision and be willing to allocate a healthy budget, but I can attest for myself, Brian’s intimate gatherings are the best I have attended and I’m grateful for the opportunity he has given me to be included amongst his professional friends.

9 thoughts on “Brian Callahan’s Mixers: Where Business is Always a Pleasure

  1. Wonderful shout out to Brian, thank you for recognizing him like this. He and Clara and Tony have been amazing. Special thanks to you Brian though who invited me years ago and still continues to be an important person to me and my network. The world would be a better place with more executives who understand and are willing to network as he does.

  2. And I met the lovely Josephine at Hangar 8!
    Brian, Clara & Tony…you ROCK!!
    I now have the honor of having attended in LA & NY…but I’m so glad to be back in (Central Valley) CA…but definitely want to descend on Hangar 8 at some time in the future!
    Love you guys!

  3. Both Jo and James embody the type of world class executives that have a generosity of spirit and an entrepreneurial core. We have shared some great evenings together and I look forward to many more!!

  4. Thanks to Cameron for featuring Brian, Tony and Clara’s amazing vision of a business networking event that actually WORKS! I enjoyed our evening at Hangar 8 immensely, and look forward to mixing it up some more. Cheers from the team at Revizzit!

  5. a great post for a wonderful guy – his generosity of spirit and otherwise is renown. Being in NY, I don’t usually see his co-hosts, but I look forward. Gushing aside — I knew Brian lived in the mountains, but that’s a tough commute! Any chance you have a hi-res version of that image -have to see that better!

  6. Enjoyed this post so much. These events set a high bar for what a networking event should be. There is a true secret sauce in what Brian, Tony and Clara put together. Cameron, thank you for shining a spotlight.

  7. I also enjoyed this post very much. The events are amazing! I try not to miss any!
    Tony has been a close personal friend for a few years now and he introduced me to Clara and Brian who in turn invited me to the events. Brian’s generosity of spirit and sound advice along with Clara’s warmth and embracing personality are the corner stones of these events. I am truly honored to call both of them friends, and have been able to meet a great number of wonderful folks in the events as well. Thank you!

  8. Brian is one of the most unique and generous people I know. He will win your soul and support, plus out give you every time. Wonderful person to know!
    Randy LeSage
    LeSAGE Carpentry Arts

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