Illumina Selects Seven Companies For Accelerator

San Diego-based life sciences equipment maker Illumina says it has selected seven, early-stage companies to join its first startup accelerate, the . According to the company, due to the pandemic, it is kicking off its efforts digitally this month, due to lockdowns and travel restrictions. The companies include three companies in Cambrige, UK, and four companies in the San Francisco Bay Area. The three companies in Cambriddge are Alchemab Therapeutics LTD (patient antibodies); Neurolytic Healthcare LTD (personalized diagnostics for neurological conditions), and Tailor Bio LTD (oncology diagnostics). In the Bay Area, the companies include AarogyaAI Innovations Pvt . LTD (diagnosis of drug resistance in tuberculosis); MEDIC Life Sciences (pre-clinical testbed of tumor samples); Pluton Biosciences LLC (microbial testing and discovery); and WellSIM Biomedical Technologies (microfluidics).